Our Story

New Canaan Chamber Music played its first concert in 2020 when musicians and their audiences were unable to perform indoors. Andrew Armstrong persuaded a group of world-class musicians to play with him on the lawn of the New Canaan First Presbyterian Church. From that start, it has become a thriving new addition to the concert scene.

 “Chamber Music as it was meant to be.”

As a virtuoso pianist, Artistic Director Andrew Armstrong has performed in hundreds of cities  in the world’s most prestigious venues. New Canaan Chamber Music creates an imaginative musical experience. Each concert is different every time – different musicians, ensembles, instruments, and programs.

Timeless classics

You’ll hear your favorite composers.  A single concert recently featured 11 musicians performing a Baroque concerto for trumpet and strings, Saint-Saëns’ scintillating  septet for trumpet, strings, and Mendelssohn’s octet for strings.

Delightful discoveries

You’ll also hear astounding new works, perhaps for the first time; a new jazz/classical composition for sax, strings and piano, a novel cello/piano arrangement, a hauntingly unforgettable string quartet by Benjamin Britten, or a concert of dueling pianists, featuring two grand pianos facing each other across the stage. 

Reaching out to all ages

In addition to concerts, New Canaan Chamber Musicians also bring the joy of listening and understanding great music to seniors, youth orchestras, and local schools. Growing and expanding outreach programs to diverse communities is a top priority for the future.

Musicians who have performed with

New Canaan Chamber Music


Laurie Carney

Gabriela Diaz

James Ehnes

Jennifer Frautschi

Solomiya Ivakhiv

Stefan Jackiw

Tessa Lark

Amy Schwartz Moretti

Karl Stobbe

Arnaud Sussmann

Peter Winograd

Kevin Zhu


Daniel Avshalomov

Molly Carr

Gabriela Diaz

James Ehnes

Matthew Lipman


Ani Aznavoorian

Raphael Bell

Wolfram Koessel

Raman Ramakrishnan

Jan Vogler

Alice Yoo


Double Bass

Marguerite Cox



Demarre McGill



Alexander Fiterstein

Yoonah Kim




Jeroen Berwaerts


French Horn

David Cooper

R.J. Kelley



Andrew Armstrong

Orion Weiss

Jeewon Park



Emily Levin



Steve Moretti

Board Members

Tom Butterworth, Chair
Ben Bilus, Vice Chair
Tracey Karl, Treasurer
Tom Stadler, Secretary
Melissa Baker
Peggy Risom Bull
Jane Fox
Susan Gelvin
Breeze M. Hobbs
Michael C. James
Josh Kaye
Lois Sandberg
Pamela Dey Vossler